Sam And Lindsay Still Together! - NOW WITH VIDEO!!!
Posted on Wed Jan 7th, 2009 4:30pm PDT By X17 Staff

Lindsay and her little sister Ali were just spotted leaving Samantha Ronson's house in Hollywood Hills about half an hour ago, and when X17 photogs asked the girls about the latest rumors, they told us there was nothing going on and reiterated that they didn't break up! Really? A pretty solid source told us that Linds was "severely depressed," so if there's no breakup, what's going on?!
When one photog asked Samantha if she wanted to set the record straight, she responded, "What record?" The photog then told Lindsay how happy he was to see her and Samantha together again, and she corrected him and said, "We never broke up!"
We've heard reports to the contrary (and so have several other websites), but Lindsay continues to vehemently deny any split from her lady love. So what do you think is going on here?
a) Lindsay and Sam really have broken up (and Lindsay is getting her own place with sister Ali), but they're pulling a J. Lo and Marc Anthony and trying to convince us everything is okay.
b) Lindsay and Sam have been fighting a lot, but they're going to make it work. Lindsay is getting a place with Ali, but she'll still be spending time at Sam's place and vice versa.
c) We're crazy - there is nothing wrong with these two, and Ali is just visiting, and the reports from multiple news outlets of them splitting up is just for ratings/page views.
SEE THE GALLERY Lindsay And Sam Together Again!