LLohanSmoke030209.jpgLLohanSmoke030209_13_X17.jpgLindsay Lohan

Hmm...Lindsay Lohan is looking a little beat/skinny/cranky these days, and last night was no exception.

We're not sure what the starlet got into (after all, the top two pics were snapped outside of a restaurant in West Hollywood, not a party), but when it was time to go home, Linds looked like she needed a jolt (or ten) of caffeine as she sucked on her cigarette inside of Sam's car.

Lindsay's already been to rehab three times, but we're beginning to wonder if trip number four will happen this year. I mean, Linds seems to be partying her size zero butt off, and we're not sure how much longer this will last.

Or maybe she's just stressed with all her uh, work, and that's what's taking a toll on her appearance and the amount of energy she has?