Before The Drama...
Posted on Sat Mar 14th, 2009 4:30pm PDT By X17 Staff
Before her weird behavior at the grocery store, her late night of partying and the fight that resulted in the cops being called to Sam's house, we spotted a legging clad Lindsay Lohan running errands in Hollywood. She seemed so calm and complacent, we never would have guessed where the next 24 hours would take us!
What the heck happened? What did Lindsay throw at Sam? Why isn't she turning herself in? Well, we may not know the answer to those first two, but Lindsay's attorney Shawn Chapman Holley released a statement that sheds some light on that last one:
- "Since her [second DUI] case was resolved, Ms. Lohan has been in compliance with all the terms and conditions of her probation and all orders of the court. The warrant issued on Friday was, in our view, born out of a misunderstanding which I am confident I can clear up next week."
So are the cops still looking for Lindsay? Not...exactly. Beverly Hills Police Lt. Mark Rosen made the following statement at a press conference today:
- "We are not actively looking for Ms. Lohan at this time. We are not anticipating her surrender this weekend. But if she comes in contact with police, she's subject to arrest. As for why we're not actively looking for her, that's not our procedure for this type of warrant. Her attorney is hoping to resolve this issue in the coming week. If it's not resolved, I'm sure we'll negotiate her voluntary surrender."
So what's next? Lindsay is expected to attend a hearing on Monday morning at a Beverly Hills courthouse, where her lawyer will work some magic and fix this little "misunderstanding."
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