Robert Pattinson PattzInjured.jpgTake a deep breath Pattz-addicts, Rob is okay!

But there were a few tense moments on the set of the Twilight sequel New Moon when Pattinson was hit in the head with a piece of flying metal.

According to The National Enquirer, a strong gust of wind tore loose a metal sign and slammed it right into the back of Rob's head, knocking him to the ground.

A few moments later, RPattz was able to get up by himself, but was a little dazed. Medics checked him out - he apparently has a pretty good goose egg on the back of his head - and sent him back to his hotel to rest.

Fortunately, after a night of ice and probably a couple of Tylenol, the hunky Brit was back on the set the next day!

And we know there's one of Rob's fans who's certainly grateful the gorgeous vampire is okay.

Ryan Reynolds reveals he has a serious man-crush on RPattz!!!

Reynolds, who's starring with the other Twilightstar, Kristen Stewart in Adventureland, reveals to that he thinks Edward Cullen is: "Dreamy."

“Oh are you kidding me?” Reynolds said of the messy-haired hunk. “Look, I’m not gay - but I’m thinking about it.”

Hey, we totally think they'd make a really hot couple!!!