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Disclaimer: We cannot verify that any of the information below is factual in any way.

One afternoon, Fergie called up her pal Lady GaGa and asked if she could borrow her very best pair of Star Trek-inspired shades. After dropping by GaGa's pad, Fergie headed home and spent a few hours looking at herself in the mirror, marveling at her ridiculous new sunglasses.

"But what should I do today?" mused Fergie. "I've already gone to the gym, gotten my hair done and spent $3,000 on bootcut tie dye pants...I should do something different...something no one will expect...I should go to the zoo!"

So off she went, to the local zoo where she saw all sorts of critters and mingled with the staff and visitors. Unfortunately, no one informed the singer that one of the big cats had escaped from its cage, so just as Fergie was rounding the corner to check out the fabulous giraffe exhibit, she was attacked by a snarling tiger. After deciding that Fergie was not an ideal dinner candidate, the tiger scampered off, leaving the singer with a pair of shredded pants, her futuristic shades, and a bruised ego.

We snapped Fergie returning to her Hollywood home shortly after the incident. Reps for the tiger were not available for comment.