
With all the rumors floating around about the downfall of Rohan, it's starting to get a little confusing.

Sam's playing it smart, keeping her mouth shut while letting other people do the snitching for her. In addition to her mom and her sis complaining to the police about Lindsay's behavior, Samantha's apparently already been spotted with a "Lindsay look-alike" who's even already spent the night at Sam's pad, according to the Sun Times!

As for Lindsay, well, she's been expressing herself to Twitter, to E, to Us, and we're still not sure what she's saying, except for that the couple is on a break, not a break-up! And additionally, a supposed friend of Sam's told us that Lindsay's the one who wanted out!

Considering that Sam's playing it so cool, we're inclined to believe she's the dumper, not the dumpee, but she did have quite a reputation for being controlling, so maybe Lindsay just wanted to get out from under her thumb after all?