AWinehouseHorse022809_01_X1.jpg Last night, Amy Winehouse had to cut short a comeback concert in St. Lucia due to rain, and surprisingly, concertgoers didn't seem to mind.

Amy performed for about an hour at the St. Lucia Jazz Festival on Friday, and her spokesperson said in a statement, "Amy is very disappointed as St. Lucia has been wonderful to her and its people have welcomed her with open arms, but circumstances beyond anyone's control meant that this special show did not go as planned."

During the hour-long set, Amy forgot her lyrics, accidentally flashed her underwear, and even muttered to the audience at one point, "Sorry, I'm bored." Several fans spoke with the BBC about the incident, and one said, "It was is very sad to see, but she is obviously not fit to be on stage."

Yikes! So why was she even performing in the first place?