More Legal Troubles For Chris Brown...
Posted on Wed May 27th, 2009 10:32pm PDT By X17 Staff

Remember the fan that Chris Brown's bodyguard attacked at a Hollywood gym two months ago?
Robert Rosen and his young son spotted the R&B star playing basketball, and after they snapped a picture of Chris (see the exclusive pics in the gallery below), Chris' bodyguard went bananas and assaulted Rosen. Even though Rosen told us he thought the bodyguard was going to "kill him," he initially said he wouldn't press charges against the singer or L.A. Fitness Club. Then he told us he was going to sue Chris' bodyguard, but after a few weeks, it appeared as though he hadn't filed anything, so we just assumed that he dropped the suit.
However, it looks like he's changed his mind--again! Rosen is suing Brown for personal injury, claiming that he was roughed up, chased by Brown's bodyguard and when he attempted to run away, an employee of L.A. Fitness Club allegedly "tried to block his exit and grabbed his clothing and body"!
The lawsuit says that Rosen was able to get away, but only after falling down a flight of stairs, at which point the bodyguard allegedly "picked [Rosen] up by his shorts, and physically assaulted him." Rosen added that he was "severely injured and disabled, both internally and externally," claims he was falsely imprisoned, and he's seeking damages to cover his medical bills along with the emotional distress he suffered. Rosen is also suing L.A. Fitness Club for negligence and other claims, arguing that its employees did "not adequately protect him."
Geez, will the drama in Chris' life ever come to an end?
SEE THE GALLERY Chris' Bodyguard Attacks A Fan!