crying distraughtcrying distraught

Last night Lindsay Lohan was all over the place - first she stopped by her assistant's house in Studio City, and then she headed to Samantha's Hollywood home around 1am. Lindsay knocked and knocked and knocked, but it turns out Samantha wasn't there. Hmm, perhaps she should have called her first?

Anyway, Lindsay headed back to her chauffeured car and made a few phone calls, and began to cry (and we're guessing this is about the time Sam got a few frantic, teary voicemails...just a hunch). After her patience wore out, Linds sped off, presumably to cry in the comfort of her own home.

So guess who rolled up about half an hour later? Yup, Sam returned to her house around 2am, and not only did she appear to be in a decent mood, but she asked photogs to not reveal her whereabouts to Lindsay! An X17 photog on the scene tells X17online exclusively:

    "When Samantha arrived at the house around 2am, she asked us not to tell Lindsay that she was there. Of course, Lindsay showed up at Sam's around 2:30 AM and was let in, but we don't think Sam was too thrilled about it!"

So is Sam finally starting to tear herself away from Linds? How much longer will this go on before Sam completely shuts her out? And how will Lindsay react?

Oh, and get this - Lindsay briefly chatted with photogs, and she totally denied spending the night at Ryan Seacrest's house the other night! Um, girl...we have pictures of you LEAVING his mansion at 10am...and we saw you walk in there at 4am. I guess that doesn't really count as spending the night if you live in Lindsayland, eh?

What did Ryan have to say about it? Yesterday he tweeted the following little nugget on his official Twitter page: "Met with lindsay last night about a show idea I have for helps people and gives others a second shot! Still putting it all together." Hmm, so maybe it was work related, but she clearly spent the night there...maybe she meant to say she didn't hook up with him?