police speeding van ticket police speeding van ticket police speeding van ticket After gassing up the OctoVan earlier today, OctoMom sped out of the gas station going past the speed limit, causing a police car to try to pull her over!

But OctoMom must not have been able to see past all those car seats, because she didn't even notice the flashing lights until she pulled into her kids' school. I guess you can't really blame her for driving fast...with all those kids, she's probably got to do a lot of shuttling back and forth from various schools, doctors, play dates, etc.

But even a speeding ticket didn't get OctoMom down, the mom-of-fourteen was still as amicable as ever when we asked her about her upcoming show, which she's adamant IS NOT a reality show but a DOCUMENTARY (yeah, whatever!)

Video coming soon...