katherinecustody2.jpgcourtesy AEG

Katherine Jackson, 79, and Debbie Rowe, the biological mother of two of Michael Jackson's children, have reached a custody agreement, giving the Jackson matriarch sole custody of kids, as was revealed today in an interview on CBS' Early Show.

Rowe WILL have visitation rights but will not et any money in the deal, which some earlier reports had suspected she would angle for.

Katherine Jackson's attorney L. Londell McMillan told a CBS reporter:

    "It's an agreement, an agreement for the best interests of the children. This is not a money deal. This is not about money. ... There is no situation better for these children than for them to be raised and reared in the loving care of Mrs. Katherine Jackson."

Some other highlights from the interview ...

What about Joe Jackson being involved in raising the kids?
McMillan: "I don't think it's valid at all. I think Joe Jackson is the husband of Mrs. Jackson, but he's not living in Los Angeles."

Is it true Michael had a fourth child, Omer Bhatti?
McMillan: "I'm not in the rumor business; I'm in the law business. I'm not going to even entertain those questions right now."

How much does Katherine get?:
She'll get 40% of her son's estate and Jackson's long-time business partners, John McClain and John Branca, will manage all matters of the estate.

How much is Jackson's estate worth?
McMillan estimates it could be worth as much as $2 billion. The CBS reporter noted: "If the estate achieves its potential earnings, and that's if the estate is managed effectively. Clearly, Michael Jackson in death could be even more of an industry than he was during his lifetime."