
According to the Sun, newly single Cameron Diaz is caught in a love triangle between her former co-stars Leonardo DiCaprio (Gangs Of New York) and Jude Law (The Holiday)!

While in London, Cameron's apparently been out on "secret dates" with BOTH men. Ohhh, dirty!

Sunday night, Cameron and Jude were out until "the wee hours" at club Boujis in west London. A source says, "Jude and Cameron have been good friends since they filmed The Holiday together a few years ago. Now they are both single, things are a bit different between them. Jude has been flirting with her and she has been playing along." Now THAT I can believe. After all, they've both got a rep for being, well, enthusiastic about members of the opposite sex!

As for her sexy times with Leo? According to a source, "Leo is back on the pull after he split from his long term girlfriend Bar Rafaeli. Cameron has been showing a lot of interest while he is in London filming. She was back at his rented apartment in Knightsbridge, west London, a couple of times last week after a series of secret dates." I guess I could kinda sorta see that - he's got somewhat of a Justin Timberlake, younger man quality about him!

But if either of these rumors are true, who do you think would be the better match for Cam? Jude or Leo?