Heidi & Spencer Take On Anderson Cooper!
Posted on Fri Aug 28th, 2009 3:20pm PDT By X17 Staff

Do they EVER shut up? It's bad enough that they post 200 tweets a day about how much they love each other and going to church, but Heidi and Spencer Pratt seem to have a comment on everything these days!
Of course, Heidi did receive a lot of backlash for her Miss Universe performance (she shouldn't have been allowed onstage, she stole Britney's outfit from the 2000 VMAs, she lip synched, etc.), and Anderson was one of the many media figures who had something to say about it. We didn't think Heidi's performance was awful, but it certainly wasn't stellar, and Anderson echoed that sentiment when he said, "Don't worry Beyonce, here comes Heidi Montag...with a fresh new way to embarrass herself, take it away Heidi." After watching Heidi's performance, Anderson added, "She twittered to congratulate herself and thanked God. I don't think God had anything to do with this production. If God had time to work on this production and thats the best he could do, we're all in trouble." HA! Can someone please get Anderson an entertainment news show? He's way too snarky and funny to be doing hard news...
Anyway, Spencer felt the need to stand up and defend his wife, and he told Us Weekly, "Between health care, the CIA interrogation techniques and the economy, I think it's funny how the Silver Coyote spent four minutes discussing someone who he claims to not know exists...It's our pleasure to help out anyone whose ratings are in need. We appreciate every second people spend talking about the greatest performance in the history of television, which over a billion people saw."
Ah yes, the greatest performance in the history of television. Can someone please bring these two back to planet earth? On second thought...