jessglam85.jpg Jessica Simpson is Glamour mag's September cover girl, and even though she gave this interview weeks before she ended her relationship with NFL star Tony Romo, it looks like she might have predicted their breakup!

When the mag asked Jess about her seemingly solid relationship with the pro athlete, Jess said:
    "I don’t know what the future holds, but I hope that my life, as it is now, doesn’t change. I’m very happy and comfortable - it’s a great place to be in. If this article comes out and we’re not together, I’d still love him, and he’d still be a huge part of who I am today."

Jessica then discussed her new VH1 show (which studies beauty rituals across the globe), but of course the topic shifted to her body and weight struggles:
    When I was young, I would look at magazines and feel a lot of pressure. As a child of 12, I would write things in my journal like, “I’m lying here and all I can think about is that my stomach is hanging over my underwear.” That disturbs me even today! I was always disconnected from myself; there was this idea of perfection I couldn’t ever get to. But all women struggle with insecurity, and we all have something we don’t like about ourselves...I absolutely, 100 percent do not agree with how the media has made everyone [body] obsessed. And they do have the power to do it. Celebrities aren’t perfect. It’s amazing to me how much thought is put into a woman’s figure on tabloid covers."

Jess even chatted about her divorce from Nick Lachey:
    "It was hard to imagine I would ever walk down the aisle again. It was like a death in the family: You go through the mourning stage, then the rebellion, and then all of a sudden you have to find life by yourself. Once you do that, you feel complete - and that’s the only time you can truly fall in love again, and give yourself over completely to another person."

Aww Jessica! Stay strong girl! We know you'll find your knight in shining armor someday!