macauleyblanket.jpgBlanket pic courtesy AP/Pool

In the neverending game of "who fathered Jackson's kids?", another name has emerged as a possible dad for Blanket: Michael's longtime pal Macauley Culkin.


According to The Sun, "This isn't just chitter-chatter, even Culkin suspects he's Blanket's father," says a Jackson pal.

Even the source admits this is a bizarre rumor. "So many names have been mentioned as prospective dads, and this is probably the wackiest yet. But Jackson and Culkin were best friends. He was one of the few people Jackson really trusted and Mack never let him down. Really, Jackson idolised him - that's why he asked Mack to donate sperm. Deep down, I think he always wished Mack was his son. Creating Blanket was the next best thing."

That's pretty gross, even for "Wacko Jacko."

At this point, it seems like anyone could claim to be the mother/father of Jackson's kids, so until there's a conclusive DNA test, I won't believe it!

UPDATE: The kid is not Macaulay's son! We e-mailed his rep who said, "These inquiries are too preposterous for us to even acknowledge."