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Victoria Beckham is taking elocution lessons before appearing on American Idol, in an attempt to soften her British accent, according to OK! UK.

The designer is reportedly "determined to impress audiences" during her first judging stint on the hit talent show, so she decided to get some formal training to make sure her accent is "understandable." A source tells the mag, "Victoria knows she has a very thick British accent and is sometimes misunderstood in America. She wanted to come across the best she could on American Idol, so she took some private lessons on how to properly pronounce words and how to make appropriate facial expressions."

Hey, we love Posh just the way she is, so we don't think she has to change her accent, but whatever works! And we've said it before and we'll say it again...we'd LOVE it if she was put on the judging panel permanently! And it's not just because of her eccentric outfits!