In the first time a sitting president has visited The Late Show, Barack Obama sat down with Dave Letterman Monday night to discuss his health care reform, the war in Afghanistan, and whether or not he feels the harsh criticism of him displayed in recent meetings and protests is racially motivated.

"First of all, I think it's important to realize that I was actually black before the election," Obama quipped.

"Really!" Dave responded. "How long have you been a black man?"

Obama is in New York to participate in the United Nations General Assembly, but took the time to appear on the popular late night show in an effort to drum up more support for his health care plan.

Dave cited the top ten reasons Obama agreed to come on the show, some of which were, "We told him Megan Fox would be here," and "Said yes without Bush did with Iraq."

This isn't the first time Obama appeared on late-night tv as the prez - he also visited Jay Leno back in March, where he caused some controversy with a remark about The Special Olympics, which he later apologized for.