After Dave confessed the surprising extortion plot against him on the Late Show Thursday night, it was revealed that the woman at the center of the plot was former Late Show assistant Stephanie Birkitt, aka "Vicky" (featured in the vid above), was the female staffer in question.

Birkitt apparently lived with Robert Halderman, the man accused of trying to extort $2 million from Letterman, and threatened the talk-show host with pages from Birkitt's diary.

And since Dave was able to extract some laughs out of his unfortunate predicament, Jay Leno had to get into the mix, telling his audience last night that "If you came here tonight for sex with a talk show host, you've got the wrong studio."

He then went on to admit that "I'm happy to say that I've never had a sexual relationship with any of my staff members."

I bet they're happy too!