
Tomorrow is Cara and Mady Gosselin's 9th birthday, and while Kate has plans to stay at home and give her children a normal, low key celebration, it looks like someone wasn't invited!

Today Jon told ET that Kate is trying to change their custody arrangement so that he is only allowed to be at their Pennsylvania home from 4 to 6pm on Thursday.

"She's trying to prevent me from seeing my kids on Mady and Cara's birthday," he says. Jon also claims Kate is also trying to alter the weekend visitation schedule as well. Jon continues, "That's like giving her full custody by obeying her. She can't tell me what to do. I'm not going to allow it. I'm just going to stay. I own the house so I can do what I want. She's trying to prevent me from seeing my kids on their birthday because she doesn't want to see me. She doesn't want to hear my apology. She doesn’t want to work things out."

Hmm, maybe you shouldn't have taken all that money out of your joint account? Just saying!