The emotional Hailey Glassman interview we told you about yesterday doesn't air on The Insider until tonight, but they've released some heart-wrenching footage from the segment which shows a completely shattered Glassman crying as she reveals her heartache.

She's only ever seemed like a supremely confident 22-year-old, but now Hailey is finally breaking down after the "abuse" she's suffered by Jon.

"I can't do this anymore, I can't take it," she tells the Insider team as tears stream down her face. "If you really love me, let me go."

"I put my entire life on hold and everywhere I go people are whispering, 'there's the homewrecker,'" Hailey sobs.

Some of the other questions she'll answer tonight are "Would you marry him?", "What do you really think of Kate?", "Are you here to break up with Jon?" and "Does Jon abuse you?"

Even though Hailey's come off as a bit brash in the past, she's surprisingly vulnerable in this interview and I actually caught myself feeling sorry for her!