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Jon Gosselin appeared on Larry King last night, and the reality TV dad made a sincere attempt to mend fences with his estranged wife, saying, "I made mistakes...I’m here to apologize to Kate."

HOWEVER, he kiiinda blew it when he started talking about the TLC drama again, saying that he was fired because the network knew he was going to quit the show! Just several minutes into the interview, Jon's attorney Mark Jay Heller told Larry that TLC terminated Jon's contract because they learned Jon was planning on making an announcement on the show that he didn't want his children to be filmed anymore.

Heller said, "I've been talking about pulling the plug on this program ever since I became involved." While Jon told Larry that his intention was to "pull the plug" on the show weeks before he was dropped from the program, Larry later read a statement from the network claiming that they had received no such word from Jon. Heller continued, "I guarantee you, [Kate Plus Eight is] a done deal. There's no judge in the country that will let those children work if the father is against it. I can assure you and your viewers that this show will not go forward with these eight children."

"I had an epiphany one day," Jon told Larry. "I didn't want to be the person I was any more. I had to take back my life...this show is not healthy for my kids and I want it to stop."

But what's he going to do for money now? Maybe he could take some tips from K-Fed?