
As if things couldn't get any more twisted in the Gosselin dispute, Jon's filed paperwork accusing Kate of withdrawing thousands from their joint account, and ordering her to account for what she spent and pay it back immediately.

Hmmm, sound familiar?

Jon's latest petition claims that Kate filed her petition "to cover up the fact that she removed hundreds of thousands of dollars from the marital estate." He also says that Kate's the one in violation of their court-ordered agreement, withdrawing more than $60,000 from one joint account between June 15 and September 15, and about $9,800 from a second account in mid-July.

He also says she's lying to the court about how much money she has left to pay the bills.

Although these papers were filed days ago, ET reports that the only reason Jon & Co. decided to go public was because Kate did it first!

Jon was reluctant to air their dirty laundry, says his attorney Mark Heller (too late!), but felt that Kate gave him no choice.

"Accordingly, in order for Jon's side to be known and the picture to be complete, we feel we have no choice but to release Jon's Answer and Counterclaim," Heller said.

Jeez, if the last few weeks was Jon trying not to "embarrass Kate," as he claims, I cannot WAIT to see what happens now that he's not afraid to open the floodgates!