
Amy Winehouse has found a way to fill her lonely nights since her break-up with Blake. She's begun poking one of George Foreman's sons, George Foreman III.

But not, it's not exactly what you think, Winehouse has never even met the boxer's son -- but she has been chatting with him through Facebook.

A source tells the The Sun that she's been exchanging "pokes" on the social networking sight with Foreman while at London's Mayfair clinic where she's recovering from her boob job.

The spy says, "Amy loves that he's toned and very fit," in contrast to her pale and skinny ex.

But despite having found a new poke pal, Amy continues to wear a shirt emblazoned with the words, "Blake's Girl," on it.

So let's hope for George's sake, this stays as nothing more than just a cyber-fling. At least the only virus he'd catch from poking Amy on Facebook would be a computer virus!