Carrie Prejean sat down with Sean Hannity on Fox News last night to discuss her raunchy solo sex tape, and the fallen beauty queen seemed genuinely embarrassed when she discussed the damning footage.

Carrie says, "All by myself, I was sending a boyfriend at the time, who I loved and cared about, a video of me." She added that it was the biggest mistake of her life, and "never did I think it would ever come out. But it was bad judgment. It's embarrassing. It's humiliating to be talking about this on national TV, if you can imagine. "

Carrie continued, "When you're young, you think, This is the one. Never did I think it would come and just slap me right in the face." Well, a lot of us are guilty of sending our significant others naughty pix and video every now and then, but maybe if she wasn't such an ignorant, surgically enhanced crybaby, the public would be more sympathetic towards her?

And I'll admit it - I am VERY curious to see this sex tape that several blogs say was "too graphic" for web publication ... what the heck is she doing in it!?