katewinssuit.jpg Oscar winner Kate Winslet successfully sued The Daily Mail after the tabloid accused her of lying about her exercise routine and labeled her "the world's most irritating actress." The gossip rag has reportedly been forced to pay $40,000 in damages and apologize.

An article titled "Should Kate Winslet Win an Oscar for the World's Most Irritating Actress" seriously "injured her personal and professional reputation," and made Kate feel "distressed and embarrassed."

After the ruling Kate issued the following statement:

    "I am delighted that the Mail have apologized for making false allegations about me. I was particularly upset to be accused of lying about my exercise regime and felt that I had a responsibility to request an apology in order to demonstrate my commitment to the views that I have always expressed about body issues, including diet and exercise. I strongly believe that women should be encouraged to accept themselves as they are, so to suggest that I was lying was an unacceptable accusation of hypocrisy."

Way to stick up for yourself Kate!