
Sarah Palin's Oprah interview airs today, and the former vice presidential candidate spills on everything from nearly failing a course in college to Levi's pursuit of a career in "porn."

When speaking about daughter Bristol's babydaddy Levi Johnston and his decision to pose naked for Playgirl, Sarah said, "It's kind of heartbreaking to see the road he is on right now." She said that she thought the raunchy mag is "porn," and added that Levi hasn't seen much of his young son because "he's kind of on a media tour right now."

Even though Sarah doesn't approve of Levi showing off his goodies, she did say that he's welcome at the family's Thanksgiving dinner. But maybe she's just saying that to be nice? Levi seems to think so, as he told Playgirl that "she was full of it" after watching a clip from the interview. Johnston said that it would be "awkward" if he did take Sarah up on her offer, saying it's "a nice gesture but she didn't mean it." Burn!

When the topic shifted to Sarah's teenage daughter Bristol and her surprise pregnancy, Sarah claims that the McCain campaign didn't allow her to address the situation as she would have liked. She told Oprah, "This is not to be glamorized. This is not to be emulated…I didn't want that message getting out there that we were giddy happy to become grandparents." Sarah added that she knew the pregnancy "might be an issue, but that it could show some realism in an American life, in a normal American family."

So what about the other secrets that Sarah was concerned might leak out to the public? Sarah tells Oprah that when she first ran for office, she feared that a D she earned in college "was going to be the extent of the controversy." It looks like her reading comprehension must have been just as bad back then, because then Oprah brought up the subject of the infamous interview with Katie Couric (you know, the one where Sarah couldn't name a single newspaper that she read). Sarah said that she didn't prepare for it "because it was supposed to be light-hearted, fun, working mom speaking with working mom and the challenges we have with teenage daughters." She complained that she was "annoyed with [Katie's] badgering questions" and added, "if people only know me from that interview, I don't blame people for thinking I was not qualified, that I was ill-prepared."

So why does Sarah think she lost the election? "The reason we lost is because the economy tanked. People were sincerely looking for change…Our ticket was perceived as status quo." Uh huh.

Check out the video below to see Oprah grill the former Alaska governor...we can't wait to watch this interview!