Spencer Fires Back At Al Roker After Today Show Interview Canceled!
Posted on Mon Nov 16th, 2009 12:50pm PDT By X17 Staff

Who knew this would be the battle of the century!
Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt were supposed to sit down with the Today show's Al Roker AGAIN this morning (they're promoting their new book, How to Be Famous: Our Guide to Looking the Part, Playing the Press, and Becoming a Tabloid Fixture), but it got canceled "due to a change in the show's schedule," says a show rep.
Uh-oh! And it looks like Speidi - well, Spencer in particular - is pretty pissed. He Tweeted up an angry storm of words... check it out below:

Damn, Spencer! Is this guy stuck in elementary school? He's acting like the dude that always got picked last for Dodgeball!