
The 28-year-old starlet of the upcoming Brothers has a lot to say in the latest issue of Marie Claire!

Natalie, who once turned down an offer to play Lolita, admits that she "didn't really go to high school parties," adding that she also "didn't touch pot 'til I was in my 20s."

Oh and what about drinking? "I didn't get flat-out drunk until I went to college... but I think that's a good thing in many ways." (Portman received her psychology degree from Harvard University.)

She also addresses those Sean Penn make-out rumors, explaining that she was caught in "this sh*tty rumor brigade. You can't win. You don't say anything and everyone's like, 'it's true.' You say something, and you're keeping the story alive."

Hmm, that's not really a denial though, Nat!