
On The View this morning, Joy Behar made an oh so clever joke about alleged Tiger mistress Rachel Uchitel, saying, "Uchitel she's a hooker." In case you didn't get it, Rachel's name is pronounced "You-ca-tell," so we're guessing Joy (or whoever wrote the joke) was delighted to drop it on the show this morning.

However, Rachel and her attorney Gloria Allred weren't nearly as tickled, and they even released a statement demanding a retraction, saying the joke was "false and defamatory and highly offensive to [Rachel]." Looks like the folks at ABC feel bad about it, as a rep for The View released the following statement:

    "Joy Behar made a play on Ms. Uchitel's name. This was intended as a joke. We sincerely apologize for the choice of words and for any misimpression the joke may have created."