body pants high heels butt back sexy Courteney Cox has made no secret of her wanting BFF and former Friends star Jennifer Aniston to appear on her ABC show, Cougar Town and having spotted the star yesterday at Disney (which owns ABC), we kinda gotta wonder if she was discussing an upcoming role!

Jen has appeared on Court's show before -- Dirt -- in which they shared a lesbian kiss. (As if you could forget!)

And last week, the third female Friend, Lisa Kudrow, guest-starred on the series, in a well-received role as Courteney's bitchy dermatologist.

The show has definitely started to take off on its own, but it's no Friends. Could Jennifer's appearance boost the ratings even more and turn that around?

I'd certainly tune in to see her playing a rival cougar! How fun is THAT!?!

But what wouldn't be so fun is to see Jen get a ticket for not using a hands free device:

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Holding a phone to your mouth as you talk on speaker phone does NOT count!