
In a recent interview with The Daily Mail, Mel Gibson stands up for Tiger Woods, expressing his sympathy for the pro golfer!

"I feel sorry for Tiger Woods," he says. "Why are we talking about this when we're sending 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan? You've got this history-changing event going on and we're talking about Tiger's private life and golf injuries. He's being used as a diversion and it just drives me crazy. You come out savaged. I just think, 'Who cares?'"

Okay, so Mel definitely has a point, but shouldn't he say something about Elin too? I think she's the one people have more sympathy for! So what did Mel have to say about cheating? "Nobody is without sin," he says. "You have to try to make amends if you can. You have to shut up and move on and not whine about it. And you have to deal with it like a man ... Whatever fallout comes from it, be it fair or unfair, you've just got to accept your own culpability. The minute you start whining, it's ridiculous."

So what about his own mess of a marriage? "When all's said and done I did a pretty good hatchet job on my marriage. I'm to blame, if you're inclined to judge," Mel says.

Do you agree with Mel?