
Taylor Momsen did an interview with Britain's Times Online, and not only did she reveal that she was one of the top three choices for Disney's Hannah Montana series, but she basically tells her critics to suck it!

When asked about being a role model, Taylor eloquently responded:
    "To be honest, I don't f*cking care. I didn't get into this to be a role model. So I'm sorry if I'm influencing your kids in a way that you don't like, but I can't be responsible for their actions. I don't care."

On missing out on Hannah Montana:
    "Honestly, if I'd have ended up as Hannah Montana, I don't know if the show would have gone as well. I probably would have told them all to go f*ck themselves by the time I hit 11. And I don't know how that would have gone down. It's great for Miley, but I really like where I am right now and I feel really fortunate to be able to really be myself."

I know she's going for the whole grungy, F-bombing dropping badass here, but isn't she taking it a little too far? Or maybe it's time to hire a new PR team?