
Can you believe that it was just one year ago today that eight babies were pulled from the swollen belly of Nadya Suleman?

Over the past year, Nadya's life has changed dramatically, from being a single mother of six who lived in a house her mother paid for to a single mother of fourteen living in a house that the tabloids paid for!

She's appeared on the cover of national magazines (baring her bikini bod on one), been investigated by the department of child and family services, confessed to a crush on Jon Gosselin, and sold a tv series about the life of the Octobabies (which has still yet to materialize).

The babies, who have three nannies in addition to their mom to care for them, apparently have started walking and crawling, which means Nadya will have to chase after 16 little legs (thank goodness she got in shape!)

"They're starting to be a lot of work," Nadya's attorney Jeff Czech tells the Today Show. "It's going to be hard for her, and she's aware of that."

Wow so much going on in only a year. What do you think we can expect from the Suleman family next year?