chrisontiger.jpgTiger pic courtesy of Getty Images

Tiger Woods wasn't the only controversial celeb of '09! It was just a year ago that the Rihanna/Chris Brown scandal erupted and everyone was pointing fingers at the "Forever" singer...

Chris Brown chatted with Mojo In The Morning about his latest album, romantic adventures and, of course, his opinion on Tiger Woods and his big public apology:

    "I think it's cool. I think people always deserve a second chance. I know my fans gave me a second chance. Whatever his personal life is, and this goes for me and him, his personal life is his personal life. Nobody has the right to place judgment on anybody else's personal life if they're not directly involved with them. He plays golf - that's what people love him for. They don't love him for the other stuff they're talkin' about.

You know, I almost agree with most of what he's saying here! Chris also talks a lot about how it's good to learn from your mistakes.

Who do you think deserves a second chance more - Tiger or Chris?