Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren are reaching out to the parents at Premier Academy in Windemere, Florida where their 2-year-old daughter Sam attends day care.

The couple is apologizing for all the drama they've caused in hopes that their apology will be accepted by the community.

But Woods is not laying off the paparazzi, saying that the shutterbugs are making the situation worse. Really, Tiger? It's not the time to start passing the blame. But let's not go there!

Here is the letter that was sent to the school:

    Dear Premier Academy parents,

    We would like to share our appreciation for your support over the past several months and off our personal apology for any inconvenience you are experiencing due to the increased media scrutiny surrounding our children. We truly understand how frustrating it can be.

    We hope that the paparazzi will find something better to do with their time in the near future. In the meantime, it is our goal to keep life as normal as possible for our children. We are sure that as parents you can appreciate that. For Sam, that normalcy means attending the school that she enjoys so much.

    Again, we truly appreciate the support from the entire Premier Academy family.

    Kind regards,

    Elin and Tiger Woods

You think this apology will be accepted?