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Since the death of Corey Haim, we've seen buddy Corey Feldman stepping out quite a bit. The actor took a break from grieving and hit up T-Man Tattoo Studio in Studio City. X17online photographers were told that Feldman was there for a follow-up visit to add finishing touches to his balloon tattoo.

Meanwhile, an arrest has been made in the state investigation involving the death of Corey Haim. The California Attorney General has been looking into finding the doctors who may have been involved in an illegal prescription drug ring connected with the actor.

Although the name of the suspect in custody has not been released, Attorney General Edmund G. Brown Jr. says that 38-year-old Haim obtained "thousands of pills" from numerous doctors since last year. Although the suspect may be involved in this prescription drug ring, Brown says this person may have not directly supplied the drugs to Haim.

Brown adds, "How many people go to 10, 15 or 20 doctors and then run around to 10, 12 and more pharmacies to go fulfill them? And sometimes two different doctors on the same day? If he took all the pills that our records show he was prescribed over the last year and three months, he took some very damaging assaults on his body."

OxyContin has been confirmed as one of the drugs that Haim had been taking at the time of his death. Other drugs suspected in killing the actor are Vicodin and Valium. All of these drugs were reportedly found in his mother's apartment on March 10 with those prescriptions made out to Haim.

Brown's office has also confirmed that a doctor's pad had been stolen, and there was a prescription written to Haim using that pad. He adds, "so it was fraudulent and we know it was filled."

Police have mentioned an overdose as the possible cause of Haim's death, but the official cause is pending toxicology results which could take 6 - 8 weeks.