
Demi Moore targeted Kim Kardashian on Twitter Sunday night for posting a Twit Pic of herself, Serena Williams, Kelly Rowland and Lala Vazquez with the caption "Big pimpin."

Mrs. Kutcher took offense to the use of the word, which she said was "glorifying the 'pimp' culture."


"Nothing wrong with dancing to Big Pimpin' by Jay Z in the club," Kim explained via Twitter. "Having a girls night out, gotta love that song!"

"No disrespect," Demi responded, "I love a girls night out but a pimp and pimping is nothing more than a slave owner!"

Even though Demi may have overreacted just a tad, Kim eventually conceded. "Good point!I agree! It was just a song not literal RT @mrskutcher 2create change U have 2 be willing 2 take a risk&willing 2 provoke thought."

Do YOU think Demi overreacted?