coreyautopsy.jpg California Attorney General Edmund G. Brown Jr. said yesterday that an "illegal and massive prescription-drug ring" linked to the death of Corey Haim is currently being investigated, and he released the following statement regarding the matter:
    "Corey Haim's death is yet another tragedy linked to the growing problem of prescription-drug abuse. This problem is increasingly linked to criminal organizations ... It's a serious public health problem."

Though Corey's mother Judy told the press that he died from pulmonary congestion, LA County Coroner Assistant Chief Ed Winter says that the final cause of death is still pending. Winter released the following statement:
    "We did an autopsy. We gave his mother some preliminary findings but it does not mean it is the final cause of death. The final cause of death is pending toxicology and other reports. We did discuss issues involving his heart and lungs. We are not going to comment on specifics until the final results come back. It could be up to six weeks."