BrigettJesse-1.jpgBrigitte's Photo courtesy of her Facebook

Brigitte Daguerre, the former model who allegedly had an affair with Jesse James, has released this statement to X17online:

    This mess was a series of unfortunate events I deeply regret, one of which was confiding in someone I thought was a friend. It was blown way out of proportion by the tabloid media who has threatened and tried to coerce me into saying things that are untrue.

    I deeply regret my involvement & have nothing to say other than this statement.

    Most of what I’ve read & heard is totally untrue or wildly exaggerated. People I never spoke with are quoting me saying things I never said.

    Jesse & I were friends, he was never at my home, he never paid for my home, & he never gave me any money and at no time was I his mistress. I also did NOT, & would never, say how someone was in bed. This report that I said he was a “dud” in bed is a blatant lie!

    I’ve had a few offers for thousands of dollars to tell my story but I have turned the money down. I did some modeling work when I was much younger but I’m not a model anymore & do not want the Media’s attention.