Nadya Suleman Octomom peta whittier

Still no sign of a PETA sign in Nadya "Octomom" Suleman's front yard. But not to worry ... PETA tells X17online exclusively that they're "still working out the details with Nadya's lawyers."

Earlier this week, Octomom accepted an offer from PETA to put a sign in her front yard reading, "Don't Let Your Dog or Cat Become an Octomom. Always Spay or Neuter." The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals hopes this will call attention to the animal overpopulation crisis.

Even though the ad blatantly makes fun of the mother of fourteen, it appears money talks. CNN reports that Suleman will pocket $5000 and "a one month's supply of veggie burgers and veggie dogs for her whole family."

We can't wait to see the sign on Nadya's lawn. No doubt, she'll probably pose for photos holding three kids in one hand and a veggie burger in the other!