
I don't know about you guys, but I'm pretty sure my kitty would claw my eyes out if I tried a stunt like this with her!

Kim Kardashian posted the following picture on her Twitter account last night and tweeted, "Pic from my shoot yesterday...good kitty cat!", but it seems like she's going to ruffle a few feathers among animal rights advocates, even though picking up a kitten by the neck isn't considered abusive. However, scruffing a cat when it's not necessary (and not giving it a little support on the bottom) doesn't seem like something Kim K. should be doing just for the sake of a funny Twitpic...tsk tsk!

When contacted about the photo, PETA released the following statement to X17online:
    "Kim Kardashian isn't the only person who mistakenly thinks that because a mother cat picks up her kittens by the scruff of the neck that a supportive hand under the rump isn't needed."

Maybe her sister Khloe (remember her PETA ad?) could have clued her in?