
The reality TV starlet posted the above pic on her Twitter account - with the message, "Pic from my shoot yesterday...good kitty cat!" - and, not surprisingly, PETA responded with criticism.

Now Kim K. has responded to the negative comments on her blog... read the statement below:

    "Hey guys! So yesterday I was doing a photo shoot with an adorable black kitty cat and I Twitpic'd this picture... I have been getting negative comments regarding the way I was holding the kitty, but rest assured, the owner and vet were on set and showed me how to pick him up. The cat was not harmed in any way and is perfectly fine! I love animals and would never do anything to harm any animals."

Heartfelt apology or defensive reply? Thankfully the cat is okay, but maybe Kim shouldn't have posted the pic in the first place? Or at least held the feline in a more acceptable way!