kardashian101109x.jpg Not much is known about Kim Kardashian's marriage to music producer Damon Thomas, but newly uncovered court papers detail his repeated abuse and bullying, painting the picture of a very unhappy couple.

In the court documents, Kardashian claims Thomas hit her on numerous occasions, forced her to quit her job and verbally abused her, telling her she needed to get plastic surgery, among other things.

According to Kardashian, Thomas demanded that she cook him food when he arrived home at 4:30am, and he even tried to convince the reality TV starlet that her mother and sisters were "evil." Thomas allegedly gave his then 19-year-old wife $3,650 to get liposuction because he wanted her to be "perfect," and the violence began just three months after the two got married in Vegas.

Kardashian recalls one of the final incidents of abuse, when she returned to the home they once shared to collect some of her belongings. She says:

    "He came at me and slammed me against the closet wall. He held me up against the wall with his hands around my neck and threatened to choke me. He then took one hand and punched the wall right next to my head. He then grabbed me by my hair and told me to get out. He put one hand against my back and pushed me up the stairs (the front door is on the ground level and the bedroom is one level below ground). At the top of the stairs, he threw me across the room and I hit my head against the front door. I got up and ran out of the house. I was frightened."

Kardashian and Thomas got married in January of 2000, and it was Thomas who filed for divorce from the starlet in 2003. Their marriage was officially dissolved in February of 2004 and Thomas was ordered to pay Kardashian a one time sum of $56,000.