
In addition to naming the "Most Influential People of 2010," Time Magazine has also put out a list of "Least Influential People," naming Lindsay Lohan, Heidi Montag & Spencer Pratt and Octomom Nadya Suleman among other "Losers", "Morons", "Flameouts" and "Slimy Bastards."

Lindsay Lohan fell into the "Slimy Bastards" category (along with her father Michael and Jon Gosselin) for her decision to sue Etrade over a commercial that brands a baby Lindsay as a "milkaholic" because "Things are not good when you're suing babies."

Heidi headed the "Morons" because of her recent fail after getting thousands of dollars in plastic surgery to help her career in pop music, yet her album sold "only 658 copies of in its first week."

Spencer was close behind his surgically altered wife on the list for being fired by Heidi (among other things.)

Nadya Suleman ("no one really cares anymore"), former Miss California Carrie Prejean, Carson Daly, Joaquin Phoenix and Paula Abdul also made the list.