Lindsay Lohan Defending Samantha Against Spencer Pratt On Twitter
Posted on Tue Apr 27th, 2010 3:31pm PDT By X17 Staff

Just minutes ago, she sent this somewhat decipherable message to the woman who she threw a glass at which got her banned from Trousdale ... Samantha Ronson!

This comes after Samantha Tweeted to Spencer, "@spencerpratt you're barely worth a response, however- this has been a long time coming- f@ck off u pathetic piece of desperate sh*t," in response to Spencer accusing Sam of using Lindz to command a higher appearance fee!
The comparison to her father (we assume she meant "son" not "song"), we get, but is this really the way to get Samantha, who recently called her an "angry human being" to talk (or Tweet) to her?
Think this is the way to get back into Samantha's heart?