X17 XCLUSIVE - "Emilio Is Taking It To A Level We Haven't Seen Before," Says Spencer Pratt
Posted on Fri Apr 30th, 2010 1:10pm PDT By X17 Staff

Spencer Pratt is moving full steam ahead with Fist Pumping For Love, his new show with Snooki's ex-BF, Emilio Masella. About the show's star, Spencer tells X17online exclusively, "Emilio is taking it to a level we haven't seen before."
Pratt Productions partner Lexi Vonderlieth tells X17online exclusively:
- "We just started filming Wednesday, and the girls are going nuts for Emilio. During one night of filming, he hooked up with close to ten different girls. This show is definitely going to be addicting."
Masella, who's described by many as "a more low-key, charming, yet cocky Situation- type of guy, will be looking for his "perfect Guida" during the course of the show, we're told. Those close to the production say that filming will take place in Hollywood and wind up in Howard Beach in Queens, NY.
Unlike other reality shows, Masella will get help from the viewers as to which guidette he should choose. Co-producer Miles Tatner explains the concept to X17online:
- "This will be traditional reality TV with the use of modern-day media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, which will aid in the process of Emilio finding his lady. He can't see what's going on behind the scenes, but the viewers will ... and it gives them control."
Sources close to the Pratts tells X17online exclusively that the couple is also producing a show based on the wild and crazy girls of the Inland Empire called The 909. Lexi Vanderlieth wouldn't confirm or deny The 909, but did tell X17online, "We are working on a number of projects at Pratt Productions."
Sounds like a yes to us!