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David and Victoria Beckham took sons Cruz, Romeo and Brooklyn to Pinkberry in Beverly Hills today, and the famous family was accompanied by five police vehicles to help maintain order.

Posh flashed her best poker face while she rounded up the boys, and David was all smiles as he hobbled along with his walking cast. He may not be playing in the World Cup this summer, but Posh told GMTV this morning that he will definitely be there to cheer on his team.

Victoria told the show, "[David is] still going to go to the World Cup. All the players, both in England and in Milan, have been so sweet and so supportive, but it's just so great to have him back." Victoria added, "I left him on homework duty - so he's there right now finishing off the homework as I had to rush out. It's incredible to have him home, he's happy to be home. He's on really great form. He's hobbling around the house, poor thing." Awww!