Tiger Woods' kindergarten teacher is stepping forward today to call Tiger out on claims he was harassed for the color of his skin on the first day of school.

Ms. Decker, who has secured the services of attorney Gloria Allred (who also reps several other Tiger/Jesse mistresses) is refuting a story Tiger told to Charles Barkley and writer Michael Wilbon for the 2005 book Who's Afraid of a Large Black Man?

In the book, Tiger claims:

    I became aware of my racial identity on my first day of school, on my first day of kindergarten. A group of sixth-graders tried me to a tree, spray-painted [the n-word] on me, and threw rocks at me. That was my first day of school. I used to live across the street from school and kind of down the way a little bit. The teacher said, "Okay, just go home." So I had to outrun all these kids going home, which I was able to do. It was certainly an eye-opening experience, you know, being five years old. We were the only minority family in all of Cypress, California.

However, his teacher remembers that day a little differently.

In a statement released to X17online, Gloria Allred said:

    Ms. Decker remembers Tiger Woods very well because of his cute smile and big glasses. Also, she remembers him as being intense and a perfectionist even at that young age. His interacted very well with other students.

    Ms. Decker was therefore shocked when she first learned sometime ago of Tiger Woods’ statement alleging that he was the victim of a shocking, violent and racial attack on him the first day of kindergarten.

    Ms. Decker who has devoted her life to teaching young children, was mystified as to why Tiger would make such a serious and explosive allegation.

    Ms. Decker believes that no such incident ever occurred to Tiger Woods while he was under he care as a kindergarten pupil on the first day of class.

    Further, neither Tiger nor his parents nor anyone even reported the alleged racial incident to her or the administration. Therefore Ms. Decker contends that the statement that “...and the teacher really didn’t do much of anything.”, is completely untrue, since such an incident never occurred and was never reported to her by anyone while Tiger was a student at the school.

    Under the circumstances where a dedicated teacher has been unfairly slandered and maligned for motives that can only be speculated about, we think it is time for Tiger Woods to do the right thing and retract his statement.

    No teacher should ever be treated in such a callous and unfair manner especially one such as Ms. Decker.

    The time for Tiger Woods to make direct amends to her is now.

I guess Tiger can add one more woman to the list of females Gloria Allred wants him to apologize to!