kimbiebs.jpgPhoto courtesy: Kim's Twitter

This twitpic of Kim Kardashian posing with 16-year-old Justin Bieber is causing Miss K to fear for her life, according to a report from UsWeekly.

The 29-year old beauty recently tweeted, "I'm getting death threats from your fans! This is unBeliebable!!!"

The reality star hung out with the underage cutie this past Saturday at the White House Correspondents' dinner in Washington, D.C. After their brief encounter, Kim tweeted that she has "Bieber fever."

A very flattered Bieber responded quickly tweeting that the 29-year-old star was his "girlfriend."

I guess you don't mess with Bieber fans! Just last month a crowd of 500, waiting to see boy wonder, trampled Biebs' mom at an event in New Zealand.

Watch your beautiful backside, Kim!