coldplayglee.jpgCourtesy Capitol Records

After initially saying no to letting their songs be used on Glee, Coldplay has done a 180 and opened their catalog up for use on Fox's hit show.

"Coldplay called a week ago and said, 'We're sorry, you can have our catalog,'" the show's creator and executive producer Ryan Murphy revealed at Hollywood Reporter's Emmy Roundtable.

And out of all the artists he approached to have their music featured on his show, including Madonna, Lady GaGa and Journey, Murphy says Coldplay and Bryan Adams were the only ones to ever turn him down. But now that Coldplay has gone in a "New Direction", "My favorite rejection was Bryan Adams," says Murphy.

But now that he's the last man standing, can we expect to hear one of the kids belt out "Have You Ever Really Loved A Woman?" sometime next season?

After all, if you let the kids on American Idol sing it, why not Glee?